Six Essential Writing Books For Your Library

When you hit a writing block, pull one off the shelf and most likely, you will find a solution to your problem.

The Elements of Style: Annotated Edition

William Strunk, Jr.

Whether you have the original Strunk and White Elements of Style, or this new annotated edition, this book is a must in any writer’s library.  E.B. White, the author of Charlotte’s Web, advanced the clean, spare writing of which we are all familiar today.  

My Amazon affiliate link to the paperback edition this book. If you use this link to purchase the book, I will receive a small compensation.

And here is my Amazon affiliate link to the Strunk and White version.


Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within

Natalie Goldberg

A book about the writing process.  Goldberg provides plenty of exercises that will help you get started writing and establish a writing practice. If you are stuck: pick up Goldberg, open a page anywhere, take her advice, and start writing. 

Here is my Amazon affiliate link to the paperback edition of this book:


Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life

Annie Lamont

A humorous take on writing. This is another book about the writing process, filled with stories, wisdom and writing advice.  Tell the truth and write.

Here is my Amazon affiliate link to the paperback edition of this book:

On Writing Well: An Informal Guide to Writing Nonfiction

William Zinsser

Although focused on non-fiction writing, Zinsser deserves to be in ANY writer’s library. His is another admonition to de-clutter your writing. Chapter 14, on “Bits and Pieces,” provides useful advice for any budding writer.

Here is my Amazon affiliate link for the paperback edition of Zinsser:


Becoming a Writer

Dorothea Brande

An oldie but goodie.  Brande was a writer and writing teacher in the 1920s. She writes about ways of using the unconscious mind to assist your writer long before the “discoveries” of right and left brain thinking. One caveat, I was paralyzed for years because I could not, no matter how hard I tried, follow her mandate to write on schedule every day. I was convinced I was not a “real” writer. Pay no attention!  There are many ways to establish a writing practice, and strict adherence to schedule is one of them.  I have found virtual co-writing to be the savior of my writing life, and if I miss a day, a week or even a month of writing, I dust myself off and join the group again. Great virtual groups don’t judge, and simply welcome you back.  Nevertheless, Brande’s book is full of exercises and tips.  Not to be overlooked.

Here is my Amazon affiliate link for the paperback edition of Brande:


On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

Stephen King

Yes, THE Stephen King, the master of horror. One of the most prolific of modern novelists, King has written 63 novels, five non-fiction books, of which this is one, and over 200 short stories.  And that is as of this writing.  My guess is he published a couple more pieces in the time you read this.  So, when King writes a book about writing, we read it and take note. This book is part memoir and part a book about his writing process. He also suggests that the reader write everyday. If you want to be a prolific writer like King, take heed.  But, if you are like the rest of us a writing habit (which I suggest for any writer) needn’t be so rigid.  

Here is my Amazon affiliate link for the hardcover edition of King:

I believe that you should have actual copies of these and other seminal writing books in your library. When you hit a writing road block, you can pull one of these off your shelf and find a solution. Given that King is the narrator of his audible version, you might be interested in listening to him tell you his stories.

Here is my Amazon affiliate link for the Kindle edition of King:

Published by drginap

PhD in Sociology, MA in Gerontology, Author, Life Long Writer and Writing Mentor.

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